Maada Bio Frowns at the SLPP’s 10 Man Committee

Brig. Rtd. Julius Maada Bio
32 Juba Terrace, Juba

December 1, 2016

Chairman and Leader
Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP)
15 Wallace Johnson Street

Dear Chief Kapen,

 Conducts of Lower Level Elections and the Role and Composition of 10-Man Committee

Let me start by thanking your administration for all the efforts made to conduct lower level elections amidst some challenges. I am pleased about the Rules and Regulations that guide this process and about the participation of our membership at all levels contrary to the situation towards 2013 National Party Conference which is the basis for most of the challenges now. This process is anticipated to create a level playing field which is an essential element of our internal democracy.

Since this process will identify delegates for the elections of national officers and flagbearer and as an Aspirant for the SLPP Presidential Candidate for the 2018 Elections, I would like to raise concerns of the role of 10-man Committee referenced in your letter dated November 29, 2016 to the Commissioners of the PPRC. I have carefully studied the Rules and Regulations and the 1995 SLPP Constitution (as amended) which are the supreme documents guiding this process. I have not found any reference to a 10-man Committee in the two documents guiding this process. However, I am reliably informed it was formed as an Ad hoc committee to specifically consider matters in connection with the Gazetted Rules and Regulations. As is the case of most Ad hoc Committee, they are formed to address specific issue and dissolved immediately when the issue is addressed. There are instances where the role of Ad hoc Committee can be extended or expanded or even transformed to a Standing Committee. This is obviously not the case with the 10-man Committee. The Rules and Regulations are very clear on how complaints can be addressed. There is no mention of a 10-man Committee in the Rules and Regulations. Perhaps even more disturbing is the composition of the 10-man Committee. I cannot fathom why such committee should include Mr. John Oponjo Benjamin and Mr. Alpha Timbo who are both aspirants for the flagbearer elections. I consider this as incongruous and a recipe for undermining the credibility of the process. It does not create the level playing field for the election process. As an aspirant, I strongly oppose the role of the 10-man Committee in addressing concerns emerging from the conduct of the constituency elections and the inclusion of any aspirant on any Ad hoc Committee that may be established for the implementation of the Rules and Regulations. In the past, controversies of such nature were referred to NEC which usually formed Ad hoc Committee to address such issues.

Since PPRC has been involved in this process, I have taken the liberty to copy them this letter. Finally, I encourage you to continue respecting the Rules and Regulations and the SLPP Constitution which guide this process.

Best Regards
Brig. Rtd. Julius Maada Bio
Aspirant for the 2017 SLPP Flagbearer Election

Copy: All NEC Members
Commissioners, PPRC
Registrar, PPRC

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Critique Echo Newspaper is a major source of news and objective analyses about governance, democracy and human-right. Edited and published in Kenema city, eastern Sierra Leone, the outlet is generally referred to as a level plying ground for the youths, women and children.

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