IPAM Student Named Academic Fraudster

Magistrate Binneh Kamara named Marcus Kanu and Abdul Mohamed Kamara, a third year student at the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM), an academic fraudster on the on-going alleged conspiracy of examination malpractice.

Testifying before Magistrate Binneh Kamara, Darlington Bangura, an administrative staff at IPAM told the court that on the 20th June he went to distribute graph papers at the St Edward School for a mathematics examination when he got information from an invigilator that the first accused, Marcus Kanu was not a student at the said college.

Upon receiving the said information from the invigilator, Mr Darlington Bangura further informed the court that after few debriefings with the first accused to ascertain the truth with regards to the information, the first accused told him that his name was Abdul Mohamed Kamara, a third year student at the applied accounting department.

Questioned on the issue of taking a-year one mathematics examination as he alleged that he was in the third year, the first accused on the said date told the witness that it is a re-sit examination pointing out some relevant information to support his assertion.

According to the statement of offence, the two accused persons, Marcus Kanu and Abdul Mohamed Kamara (1st and 2nd accused respectively) on the 20th June conspired together to commit a crime contrary to law at the Saint Edward Secondary School in Freetown.

The particulars of offence stated that the second accused, Abdul Mohamed Kamara who is a third year student at the Institute of Public Administration and Management on the said date requested the service of the first accused person to wilfully make a false statement that the first accused is a student of the said institute and requested to take mathematic paper in an examination conducted by IPAM.

Meanwhile, the accused persons who were charged on four counts were refused bail based on the submission made by the prosecutor and the matter will come up next week Thursday.

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Critique Echo Newspaper is a major source of news and objective analyses about governance, democracy and human-right. Edited and published in Kenema city, eastern Sierra Leone, the outlet is generally referred to as a level plying ground for the youths, women and children.

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