Former SL High Commission owner jailed in UK
The man who bought the former Sierra Leone High Commission building at 33 Portland place in London, Lord Edward Davenport has been jailed for fraud. The five-story, 110-room house that [Read more]
The man who bought the former Sierra Leone High Commission building at 33 Portland place in London, Lord Edward Davenport has been jailed for fraud. The five-story, 110-room house that [Read more]
African Economic Conference 2011 / AfDB, UNDP and UNECA to hold a joint online press conference TUNIS, Tunisia, October 7, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Mr Mthuli Ncube, Chief Economist [Read more]
Another round of violence flared in turbulent Syria Tuesday, as reports of more deaths surfaced amid the relentless government crackdown on protesters. The nearly seven-month-long offensive has drawn world condemnation [Read more]
Investing in agriculture is the best way to prevent famines in Africa / IFAD President to held Virtual Press Conference on 29 September, 2011 at 1 p.m. GMT ROME, [Read more]
Vaccines against major childhood diseases to reach 37 more countries / GAVI Alliance delivers on its promise to tackle diarrhoea and pneumonia GENEVA, Switzerland, September 27, 2011/ — The [Read more]
The Pope was greeted by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Christian Wulff Benedict XVI, the German head of the Roman Catholic Church, has begun his first official visit to [Read more]
By Kofi Akosah-Sarpong, CEN Commentator, NY Kofi Busia Ghanaians are enjoying their 19-year-old democracy. Why not! They have spent most of their 54-year statehood in autocratic one-party systems and dictatorial [Read more]
Comment/Ghana Development, By Kofi Akosah-Sarpong, CEN, NY President John Atta Mills Let’s go into the mind of President John Atta Mills, a PHD in law, and envision with him [Read more]
Washington — U.S. officials have "specific, credible but unconfirmed" information about a potential al Qaeda threat against the United States coinciding with the 10th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist [Read more]
The column of military vehicles rolled into the village of Ibleen shortly after dawn on Thursday. Residents said artillery fire and machine gun fire followed soon after. The troops left [Read more]
A day after a plane crash outside the Russian city of Yaroslavl killed dozens of Russian and international hockey players, hundreds of residents and supporters gathered Thursday at the arena [Read more]
The trial of former French President Jacques Chirac on charges of illegal party funding during his time as mayor of Paris has opened in his absence. A medical report said [Read more]
Two German men who disappeared in Afghanistan last month have been found dead, officials in Parwan province say. The pair vanished near the Salang Pass, north of Kabul. Both men [Read more]
Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has prostate cancer which has spread to other organs, according to a leaked US diplomatic cable. The cable, published by whistle-blower site Wikileaks, cites central bank [Read more]
Just days after it was announced in Freetown that a new “National” carrier incorporated as Leone Airways will start a joint operations soon with the Nigerian based Arik Air, the [Read more]
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