Ambassador Omrie Golley Awarded in South Korea.

Oumri Golley AwardedSierra Leone's Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, His Excellency Ambassador Omrie Michael Golley, today Tuesday 1st September 2015 received a Diplomatic Achievement Award from one of Seoul's leading News and Public Relations outlets, NDN News, in conjunction with Seoul City Magazine.

The event was held at Korea's National Assembly (Parliament) Building in the Korean Capital, Seoul.

The NDN News Award Ceremony is one of Korea's most popular and sought after events of the Diplomatic, Political and Business circuit of Korea, and is held annually in Seoul. Past recipients NDN News Achievement Award have included Ministers of Government, Ambassadors, and scions of the commercial and academic establishment of Korea.

Reading the Citation of the Diplomatic Achievement Award to the invited gathering, the President of NDN News and Seoul City Magazine Shin Hyun-doo stated:

H.E. Ambassador Golley with NDN President Mr. Shin Hyun-doo
H.E. Ambassador Golley with NDN President Mr. Shin Hyun-doo
“Your Excellency laid new groundwork for bilateral diplomacy by contributing greatly to the opening of the Sierra Leone Embassy, despite many difficulties of initial times as the first Sierra Leone Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, and is carrying out excellently Sierra Leone Ambassador position to strengthen bilateral ties between Korea and Sierra Leone. In recognition of Your Excellency's excellent activities, NDN News and Seoul City Magazine bestows 2015 Proud Amb. Award on Your Excellency.”

Other recipients of Achievement Awards today included the President of the Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security, Ambassador Bongkil Shin, and the Ambassadors of Bolivia, the Philippines, Ecuador and Côte D'Ivoire. 

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Critique Echo Newspaper is a major source of news and objective analyses about governance, democracy and human-right. Edited and published in Kenema city, eastern Sierra Leone, the outlet is generally referred to as a level plying ground for the youths, women and children.

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