Letter from Critique Echo Newsroom

Dear brothers and sisters in Facebook,

privacydisturbMark Zuckerberg created Facebook from Harvard's university dormitory room few years ago as a social platform where old concomitants, families and new faces can hook up, discuss ideas, share dreams and find solutions to problems.  Over the years, the platform has developed into a real community where world investors, politicians, newsmongers, humanitarian volunteers etc.  are meeting regularly.  

Meanwhile, it has come to the notice of Critique Echo’s editorial team that many ill-motivated Sierra Leonean compatriots are misusing the platform as a field of gossip, political propaganda, inquisitive and oral fighting.  While high level politicians are now using Facebook to shamelessly discuss issues of national interest including bureaucratic decisions that takes place in government quarters, others are using it as exhibition room for dating purpose.  

The greatest absurdity of all is their blatant disregard of other users’ privacy. They intentionally create ill-motivated strings of discussions full of selfishness, political propaganda, tribal and regional detestations and add other users to it without their consent simply because Facebook has made it possible.  This is a gross violation of individual privacy right and it’s prosecutable by media laws. It must be noted that Facebook doesn’t alert anyone about regular updates on discussions without subscribing to or participating in it first.  

As for the partner finders, statistics has shown that 95% of them are scammers who are taking advantage of the world-wide-web to enrich themselves.  Some of them are also multipliers of spam and viruses that can paralyze computers for good.

In view of the above, Critique Echo wishes to remind all Facebook friends that its editorial mail box is only open for publishable materials and not a launching pad for gossip, political propaganda, inquisitive, oral fighting.  We are paying a huge sum of Euros to keep the box functional and it has a bandwidth limitation.

Critique Echo takes this opportunity to advise all its Facebook friends in their own best interest, to desist forthwith, from adding its name to unsolicited strings of discussions in order to avoid being unfriended and blacklisted once and forever.

Those who wish their articles to be published are encouraged to submit them strictly following our editorial guidelines.

Long live Facebook; long live Critique Echo Newspaper; long live our families, friends and readers.

About CEN 759 Articles
Critique Echo Newspaper is a major source of news and objective analyses about governance, democracy and human-right. Edited and published in Kenema city, eastern Sierra Leone, the outlet is generally referred to as a level plying ground for the youths, women and children.

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