There is a saying that whatever goes round comes round. Dr. Sylvia Blyden is another example of such. She was appointment as Minister of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs to replace Hon. Moijue Kaikai in wake of a very character denting allegations against the latter backed by media clips showing the world how much his junior staff toothed him.
Shortly after her appointment, Dr. Blyden single handedly conducted an internal investigations against her predecessor which levied thousands of dollars worth of corruption allegations against him. But as if all prayers invoked in churches and mosques by poor voters across Freetown are now being answered at the Social Welfare Ministry, Dr. Blyden herself is now being gradually targeted by the same gallows that executed his predecessor.
By midday yesterday, Sierra Leone’s house of parliament granted the wishes of those that have been calling for Dr. Blyden to be summoned for questioning, as well as the desire of the minister herself to publicly put on record her job performance and lay to rest allegations of corruption and maladministration against her.
Writing to friends and well-wishers, minister Blyden could scarcely hide her excitement at the opportunity to address the people of Sierra Leone, after weeks of what she regarded as witch-hunt and political intimidation by her enemies. This is what she wrote:
Dear Friends,
For several months now, I had been requesting to be invited to Parliament, but the Honourable Members had not been opportuned to grant me my desire of an Invitation.
I am therefore very joyous to announce that the Honourable House of Parliament has this afternoon of Wednesday, 8th February 2017, finally written to officially invite me to help clarify “a lot of unclarified issues that urgently need some clarification” and give an “update on the activities of the Ministry”.
I should appear before the Social Services committee next Wednesday, 15th February 2017.
The meeting will take place in the Administrative Building at 1:30pm.
I am quite sure that it would be quite an educative and informative meeting. I am very hopeful that the general public will be allowed to witness the updating and clarification process.
Yours Faithfully
Hon. Dr. Sylvia Olayinka Blyden
Minister of Social Welfare, Gender & Children’s Affairs
Though Social Welfare is a junior Ministry among others and it’s not yet clear what specific aspects of Dr. Blyden’s activities have been questioned by many, but we know that the recent Ebola outbreak and global attention to children, women and gender mainstreaming have made ithe ministry a donor’s darling.
Critique Echo will be bringing you details of Dr. Blyden’s address to the house of parliament.
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