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Critique Column

A Letter to President Koroma About the Gola Forest Reserve

Despite the declaration of the Gola Forest as a Trans-Border Peace Park to be reserved for touristic purpose by Liberia and Sierra Leone, some local authorities are believed to be working surreptitiously with mining companies in order to jeopardize the plan with mining activities. We publish here verbatim a letter written to President Koroma by Ibrahim Ekutu Sesay, a concerned citizen. [Read more]

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False Breast Maker Arrested at Last.

French authorities announced last month that the government would pay for the removal of false breast implants made by a now bankrupt company, Poly Implant Protheses, (PIP) which a British medical group says were made from “non-medical grade silicone believed by the manufacturers to be made for mattresses.” Founder of the company, Jean-Claude Mas, has been arrested at last [Read more]