Journalism is Organised Gossip: Discuss
Many great thinkers have held the belief that “a free press is not a privilege but an organic necessity in a great society”. It is against this background that a [Read more]
Many great thinkers have held the belief that “a free press is not a privilege but an organic necessity in a great society”. It is against this background that a [Read more]
Innovative Competition Acts as Catalyst for Business and Job Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa WASHINGTON, June 26, 2012/ — At the second African Diaspora Marketplace (ADM II), 17 U.S.-based entrepreneurs [Read more]
Western Union and USAID Invite You to an Online Press Conference on Tuesday June 26 WASHINGTON, June 25, 2012/ — Following the African Diaspora Marketplace II held on June 22-23 [Read more]
In September 2007, when Pres. Koroma took an oath of office to preserve, support, maintain and defend the constitution, one of the significant sections which ordinary people have always relied [Read more]
Information filtering into this medium confirms that the Mayor of Kenema City, Chief Brima Kargbo, has left for eternity after short illness. Chief Kargbo, though was said to have been [Read more]
FREETOWN, (IRIN) – Shortly after her father died, Sia Bona’s husband’s family took over her father’s oil-palm plantation and rice paddies, and drove her and her mother from their home. [Read more]
The Sierra Leone government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation on Thursday, June 21st announced the immediate suspension from office of Madam Sabainya Lamboi-Bandamoy (in photo), Honorary [Read more]
All is not well at the presidential lodge in Sierra Leone as a press release from the office of the United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-Moo, has announced the [Read more]
After the Biometric Voters Registration De-duplication analysis in Brussels, Belgium, the Commission set up an Administrative Enquiry from 6th – 10th June, 2012 to verify individual cases of multiple registrations. [Read more]
It will be recalled that incidents of violence and disorder occurred in Bo city in the southern province on 9th September 2011, Bumbuna in the northern region on 18th April, [Read more]
Pan-Africanism Working Group ADEFRA e.V. – Black Women in Germany ISD – Initiative of Black People in Germany Petition Against Racial Checking by the German Police To the [Read more]
Two British women in their 100s have been named the oldest sisters in the world, after one celebrated a record breaking birthdays. Marjorie Ruddle, who recently turned 105, and Dorothy [Read more]
The ten Commandments which is also known as the “Statutes, Ordinances and Decrees” of Christianity is found in books of Exodus, chapter 20, and Deuteronomy chapter 5, and, according to [Read more]
When, on invitation, I agreed to receive postings from Face book friends on the discussion forum titled “Sierra Leone Issues” I did so with the hope that I was going [Read more]
The BBC has today announced its first-ever dedicated daily TV news programme in English for African audiences. The new programme, BBC Focus on Africa, brings together the expertise of the [Read more]
Critique Echo Newspaper 2010 © - all rights reserved. The outlet is the main source of news and objective analysis about peace, governance, human rights, democracy and socioeconomic development in post conflict Sierra Leone.