RANDOM MUSING: Our Every Tomorrow Will Be The Same Unless…..
…….we iron out lots of things and put in place, the painful process that will stabilise the system and society, before that tomorrow comes. How do we establish a [Read more]
…….we iron out lots of things and put in place, the painful process that will stabilise the system and society, before that tomorrow comes. How do we establish a [Read more]
Oh! My God. The power play towards 2017 is in full swing, albeit in hushed tones. But looking at the emerging signs, the political configurations that define success and loss [Read more]
Since the beginning of this year, the focus of my musing has been the necessity for a change of the socio-political system that has continued to keep Sierra Leone in [Read more]
No. I’m not talking about the faux grandeur or charade (take your pick) that’s been on display from political thespians suffering from serious foot-in-the-mouth, since we went for each other’s [Read more]
It was William James who wrote that “we are spinning our own fates, good or evil, never to be undone. Every smallest stoke of virtue or vice, leaves its ever-so-little-scar….” [Read more]
One thing is sure, you can suspend, sack, or even kill a man; but you can never do the same to truth. And the truth right now, is that the [Read more]
Compatriots, following the chequered history of our nation, especially in the last two decades and after passion has ebbed and reason emerged as explanations for our ugly history, it is [Read more]
Despite the constitutional imbroglio and the presence of Ebola in our midst, Sierra Leone on the surface seems extraordinarily calm these days. However, whatever the outcome of the Sam Sumana [Read more]
Martin Luther King Jr. once said that our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. Now, one thing is clear; once again we have [Read more]
I hope this article touches you in a sensitive place and make you come to a decision as to the way forward for our beloved Sierra Leone. In my [Read more]
The truth, it is said, is better than endless smokescreen. And one sad fact is that we have left the future of our country in the hands of people who [Read more]
I am not really dumb enough to draw from my realm of imagination, the fanciful idea that the contraption presently known and called Sierra Leone, is anything near the entity [Read more]
An African proverb says that what the dog sees and barks at, the sheep has already seen and remained silent. We are travelling a familiar road. That pathway of [Read more]
Happy new year to every Sierra Leonean, directly and by proxy. The beginning of a New Year is usually a period that most people let go of the unfulfilled [Read more]
It was Chinese philosopher, Confucius who said: “If a man takes no thought about what is distant, he will soon find sorrow near at hand.” As 2015 rolls in, [Read more]
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