PART 2: The Criminalisation of Critical Thinking.
One of the huge elephants in the room of our national existence is the fact that for so long our cockroach (the nation) has been willing to dance in the [Read more]
One of the huge elephants in the room of our national existence is the fact that for so long our cockroach (the nation) has been willing to dance in the [Read more]
“Development is a tough process and prosperity does not come on a silver platter.” These two things require effective collaboration and perseverance, not “layback theoretical prescriptions” and “half-hearted political grandstanding” [Read more]
Came back from a West African tour to the increasing discourse about the national economic realities; as our hustlers’ paradise begin to unravel. That mighty white elephant in the room [Read more]
I listened to Palo Conteh, the Minister of Internal Affairs, shooting from the hips in an interview in which he was literarily telling the world, with all the glee of [Read more]
At the root of governance failure and political dysfunction of Sierra Leone today, is the persistent deviation from truth and justice. The lack of these benchmark symbols, undermine the very [Read more]
I can’t believe this madness! I just cannot believe it! What is this? What is happening to us as a people? When will reason, which has long gone out of [Read more]
You know something, while the chatter all across the country on shop floors, in markets, within business circles, and in classrooms and beer parlours as well as gatherings of compatriots [Read more]
When national discourse deliberately uses soft words to hide hard crimes or impunity, then you know that as a society, you are up the proverbial creek with no paddles. This [Read more]
Any masquerade that fails to respect its limits will have its veil removed. This unvarnished truth is coming out more forcefully in Sierra Leone’s existence as depicted by the socio-political [Read more]
You know something? It appears that we are in for a ride again as the clock ticks towards the next election. Why? Because, too many of us are smirking when [Read more]
If an idol begins to wield excessive powers, you show it the wood it was carved from. That is exactly what seventeen million British have demonstrated by the decision to [Read more]
You know what? Sierra Leone is not cursed as some are want to believe. It is our mentality to anything Sierra Leone and our collective antics that are the cause [Read more]
…..the dividends of democracy have not reached the door of the common man. That their hearts, ache, because the trust they had in today being the tomorrow that they thought [Read more]
I read someone describing President Koroma, who, in a thinly disguised indignation, called agitators against the growing socio-economic plight of the people, irritants, as the last Pele. How sad. Because [Read more]
The one painful conclusion that came to mind during my recent visit to Sierra Leone was that the original model is beyond broken, it is shattered. Today, we are a [Read more]
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