RANDOM MUSING: If we don’t do change, change will do us.
Let me say this: should the 2018 election be shifted by even a day, the opposition collectively has no iota of right to complain or cry foul. Are they just [Read more]
Let me say this: should the 2018 election be shifted by even a day, the opposition collectively has no iota of right to complain or cry foul. Are they just [Read more]
We are a genetically narcissistic people. Status over substance indeed. And we don’t like any truth that doesn’t reinforce that mindset. Sad. Self-enslavement masquerading as loyalty is our present day [Read more]
I don’t know why but I have a sickening feeling that we are heading for a political crisis ahead of next year’s election. I pray it is not so but [Read more]
We are in deep something and that indescribable something makes dung smell like lavender. The vast majority of us have become comfortably numbed to the weird and insane scenario that [Read more]
I am a man with a cut in the mouth, so I know the true taste of blood. And you know why? Because every day keeps revealing that most Sierra [Read more]
It was an uncharacteristically hot afternoon as I boarded the taxi heading for the sleepy remote village of Regent. I wasn’t in too much of a mood to talk after [Read more]
Since my arrival in town, I have realised that by embracing that delusional emotion called expectation, Sierra Leoneans have been able to devise a survival strategy against the steady rumble [Read more]
If truth be told, the trouble with the contraption of a nation called Sierra Leone, is, double standards, ethnically-tainted, tribally-misrepresented viewpoints and dogmatist hollow standpoints. Hypocrisy has become the national [Read more]
Without a shadow of doubt, to get out of the dark place we currently find ourselves, it has become imperative that we get rid of all those who have, or [Read more]
Self-delusion is bad but collective self-delusion is truly the ultimate. It is clear that the government cannot be trusted to exhibit or stand with integrity. But whether the abnormal, modish [Read more]
In the midst of our economic fog and descent into bleak house in slow motion, I had planned to reflect in absolute silence as 2016 gave way to this New [Read more]
“We rode over what they have called the longest bridge in the world, which is over 40 kilometers and these are all inspirational visits. They have inspired me to work [Read more]
You can’t kill the dead, can you? One of our problems is that having outsourced virtually our very existence to other cultures’ understanding frameworks, our society has now funked; as [Read more]
As more and more programmes for the agenda for austerity, oops; sorry, I mean prosperity, are rolled out by the government and my mind wonders to the goings-on in Sierra [Read more]
One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut. After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the barber replied, ‘I cannot accept money from you, I’m [Read more]
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