The Syrian Opposition is Left Up the Creek Without a Paddle
It happened and succeeded in Libya, but to a point; as the unintended outcomes of the NATO intervention still reverberates on the shores of the country. The jury is still [Read more]
It happened and succeeded in Libya, but to a point; as the unintended outcomes of the NATO intervention still reverberates on the shores of the country. The jury is still [Read more]
The position of the Sierra Leonean Vice President, Chief Sam Sumana, has become the boiling point of the country’s political debate, after he was featured in a timbergate scandal by the Qatar based news outlet, Al-Jazeera. Analyst and newsmen are predicting conflicting outcomes of the investigation as the President, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, who has the last saying, still maintain silence about the issue. [Read more]
Members of the UN Security Council are flying back home with total disappointment after China and Russia double-vetoed the proposed resolution on Syria. Abdulai Mansaray analyses why the veto, its possible consequences on the ordinary Syrians and the inevitable picture of a post Assad Syria. [Read more]
Aid agencies and human right organisations say the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) is encouraging torture as retributive justice against pro Gaddaffi suspects who were held captive in wake of the revolution; majority are believed to be innocent victims of colour distinction (the Dark Colour). Abdulai Mansaray elaborates on the scenario. [Read more]
Balotelli, the Manchester City striker has been described variously from eccentric, stupid, enigmatic, gifted, extrovert, to charismatic. But Abdulai Mansaray opined that it is the striker’s unpredictability on and off the pitch that makes him stand out. [Read more]
The Arab revolutionists are constantly chanting DEMOCRASY in their fights against the autocratic regimes. But one would wonder whether they really want the Western DEMOCRACY, or something else… Abdulai Mansary presents a critical view about the situation with special emphasis on the ongoing hullabaloo in Syria [Read more]
There is no doubt that media is the most powerful entity on earth. Unfortunately, this noble and God given right has been reduced to a begging bowl. Some have used it to promote their personal interests and at the same time become celebrated political griots [Read more]
There are many ways to unite Sierra Leone without generating a siege mentality. Patriotism and political party affiliations are strange bed mates and we should not confuse the two. [Read more]
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